For Error " Sorry, but you don’t have the administrative privileges " In Word Press
2010年9月7日星期二 | | |老外的一个解决方案参考:此法是G到的,度不到解决方案 --! 特小记一下.有需要的朋友拿去便是:
For Error " Sorry, but you don't have the administrative privileges " In Word Press
While accessing your WordPress site in Web Browser or wp-admin ( Administration Panel )...If you are facing an error as below after upgrading or making any changes in WordPress site
First Check for all the files and folders in reference of correct ownership and permission. IF found everything perfect..
This appears as " functions_library.php " issue..One possible fix can be
Locate the file " functions_library.php " ( It will be generally present under " core/functions " directory )
Open the file for editing.
You will see
Replace it with
Try this, this has worked for me ! Might work for you as well..
Sorry, but you don't have the administrative privileges needed to do this. |
This appears as " functions_library.php " issue..One possible fix can be
Locate the file " functions_library.php " ( It will be generally present under " core/functions " directory )
Open the file for editing.
You will see
function checkauthority(){ if (!current_user_can('edit_themes')) wp_die('Sorry, but you dont have the administrative privileges needed to do this.'); } |
function checkauthority(){ if (!current_user_can('edit_themes')) ; } |

注: ,把.警告信息的删除即可~ functions_library.php
目录为: /wp-content/themes/[模板目录]/core/functions/